Friday, December 26, 2014

I'm finally home

After 6 long days in the hospital, they finally released me today. Not only was it a complete surprise  when my water broke last Saturday, but it happened to be the week of Christmas that this all took place. All our Christmas plans were now thrown out the window.

After the babies were born on Monday, the doctor said that he wanted to keep me the full 4 days because they had tried a new "vacuum" seal on my incision and wanted to keep a close eye on it. So Christmas Eve, my friends Ashleigh and Charissa came to visit me and brought a small Christmas tree, gifts and treats. Then that afternoon Trent, my parents, and Bailey and Nick also came to visit with more goodies and presents. They left that evening to go to my parents and have dinner and a visit from Santa. I have to admit that I was pretty lonely that evening, but I went up to the NICU and held Jackson for a full hour which made my loneliness completely go away.

Christmas morning I got another amazing gift as I got to hold Madison for the first time since she was born. It really was so wonderful to get to cuddle her. Trent came down later that day while the kids went back to my parents, and we relaxed watching Christmas movies, ate turkey dinner in the cafeteria and again getting to hold both babies. Trent was able to hold both of them for the first time also, so Christmas Day was really special for us.

The pictures below are all of baby Madison...

I love it that she opened her eyes as soon as she heard my voice

Both kiddos look so different from each other. Jackson is very fair and has just a tiny bit of hair, but it is very light blonde. Madison has darker complexion and her hair is dark. They keep the babies separated so I have yet to get them side by side and compare but to me they seem so different already. Jackson is also very mellow and loves to relax on his bed (Or nest as the NICU team calls it) and Madison is always moving around, crying or cooing. The nurses say that she is a "firecracker". Oh how we love these babies so much. I cried the whole way home from the hospital and was just so sad to leave without them. Hopefully the stay will go by quickly and we can have these two babies home with us soon.


Harlin Family said...

Congratulations...even though it's earlier than the ideal! I am so happy the babies are doing well. They look beautiful! Hang in there during their time in the hospital. I'm so glad you have your parents near by to help you guys out. What a special blessing these two additions will be to your family. :)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful mama! Can't believe your family has doubled! What sweet little babies. Hope they come home soon.

Anonymous said...

Melissa, you look beautiful and radiant! What a lovely mother you are! Those two little ones are just perfect! Love Madison's stylish hat! I think Jackson looks like you from the first time pictures of you holding him. Can't tell with Madison.
We're so very proud of you and Trenton and grateful you all are doing so well at this point. We'll plan to come up when the babies come home and see if we can give any assistance. We love you all so much! Mom & Dad C.

PS. Tell your parents "Hi" and how grateful we are that they are there to help you so much.

Pamela Lynn said...

Such precious pictures. Our little angels are so adorable. Having you so far away is hard because I want to be there holding my little grand babies too. You are both such wonderful parents and I love you both so very much. (Mum)

