Tuesday, November 10, 2015


Madison and Jackson had their 9 month checkup (a few months late) and since Jackson's head is still growing and now completely off the charts, the Dr. was thinking that maybe we should do another ultrasound. After contacting the Pediatric Neurosurgeon, he read the ultrasound again and said that the tech who read it, had made a mistake. Jackson was diagnosed with Benign extra Axial fluid of infancy (BEAFI)

BEAFI is not harmful and was known as external hydrocephalus. It is characterized by a large head and and a full feeling soft spot (described Jackson exactly) and he may have mild delays in motor skills. It should resolve itself by the time he is 2 or 3, and his learning or intellect are not affected. I'm glad that it is not harmful, but it is kind of scary that the technician missed it when we took him in July. Luckily, it is NOT  harmful and baby boy Jackson is just fine!


Traci said...

interesting to find out, glad they did and he will be ok!!! at the end of your post you wrote it is harmful, instead of not harmful- in case you wanted to change it.. loves to you guys!

Trent and Mel said...

Thanks Traci...updated that to say NOT harmful :)

Harlin Family said...

I'm glad you found out what the deal was and also glad it's not harmful. Your babies are both so cute! It was fun seeing them and catching up with you and Samantha. :)

