The Babes are now a whole 6 months! I can't believe that time is flying by so fast. I love these little mischievous bundles of joy. They are sure a LOT of work, but so much fun. Their little personalities are starting to shine through and we are getting to know them better each day.
Our little Jax is loud, loves to be cuddled and held, and just wants to be around people. He is strong and just wants to stand up and look around at whats going on. He sings himself to sleep and loves music.
Maddie is such a happy baby. She likes to be picked up, but is also content just sitting in her chair and looking around. She loves her baby food and eats like a champ. Her brother spits out most food and doesn't love it, but this girl starts shaking with excitement when she sees her food coming! She is happy and sleeps pretty well, even through her brother screaming.
I am one happy, and sleepy, momma. My four kids are so much work and sometimes I think I'm gonna go crazy from all the energy and constant work, but love them all so much.