Last Sunday as we were headed out the door for church, Jackson threw up all over Trent. Needless to say that I stayed home with the babies from church that day. The next day Jackson seemed to be doing better, but in started Madison and Nick. By the end of the day, I was sick also....yep 3 of us throwing up at the same time. My mom came to help with the kids the next day and luckily it seemed to be only a 24 hour bug. The day after, both Trent and Bailey came down with it.
We are finally all feeling better and really enjoying not being sick. We are still playing catch up from the countless loads of bedding and laundry we went through. I believe I washed the crib bedding 5 or 6 times between both babies being sick. Not a great week for us.
We are starting off this week much better. We all made it to church yesterday, I am slowly getting caught up on laundry and housework and all the kids went back to school.....yeay
Here are a few pictures of last weeks fun
Maddie likes to explore and getting into trouble. She is my mischievous little girl that gets into EVERYTHING
including the dryer as I took out the clean clothes. She is crying because Jackson was shutting the door on her
Nick made it back to school by Friday and was able to be in the kindergarten music program. He is sitting on the front row (on the right side) holding an instrament
Friday evening when everyone was feeling better, we went to Boise and took part in the March of Dimes walk to help raise money for premature babies. We didn't end up going on the walk because the babies were pretty cranky before it started, but at least we tried
Then on Saturday morning I was able to sneak away and go to a few garage sales. I found this cool roller coaster for the babies and they loved it.
A very eventful and crazy week, but we made it through and looking forward to what comes next