Monday, March 21, 2016

Hand Foot Mouth Disease

Last Wednesday Nick came home from school and didn't feel well. He said his whole body hurt, had a high fever and the rest of the day was spent in bed. The next day he seemed to be himself again, but I kept him home from school anyways. Fast forward to Friday night and both babies were cranky and starting to feel warm. As the night continued, their fevers got worse and they were up all night along with Nick. Saturday they were both terribly fussy and by Sunday morning a bright red rash was all over their body. They even had sores in their mouths and throats, which Nick said that he had also. I then checked him over and found the spots on him also, just not as many.

Luckily my parents were still in town and ran over to watch the older kids before they headed to California that day. We took the babies to the urgent care and they were diagnosed with the hand foot mouth disease. It is a virus so no medications would help. Tylenol and Motrin was what we were told.

Babies were miserable and there was nothing we could do. Fevers of 103, body aches and chills, sore throats and erupting sores covering their bodies. They are also contagious for a few weeks, so we are staying put for awhile. Needless to say, we have gotten next to no sleep the last few days and Trent went back to work today. Since it is Spring break Bailey and Nick will be home all week and probably bored out of their minds. Hopefully babies will be feeling better in a few days.
Jackson has more sores on his face and legs and Maddie seems to have more on her hands and arms.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OHHH, poor babies and poor Mom & Dad!! I'm so sorry you're all going thru this! And sick that we aren't close enough to help. Is there any kind of cream you can put on their sores? Wish we could be there to take Bailey & Nick somewhere. I'm trying to think how we could help long distance... I'm sorry, kids! Love- G-ma T

