Usually I don't post about our Sundays because there is not much going on. But yesterday I happen to get a few pics of the kids before church all dressed up. Then, at church I got a new calling. I was bulletin specialist before (not so thrilling) but I'm now 2nd counselor in the RS Presidency. I am excited, but the first thing I thought of was, "Man, now I have to do lessons". For some reason, I have never wanted to teach a lesson in Relief Society. Primary and YW were fine, but Relief Society is so intimidating to me...oh well, I guess this is how we grow. At least I only have to do it a few times a year!
Nick all dressed up- Isn't he looking so much older?
B in her Sunday clothes, and eating her toast before we head out the door.
Nick relaxing after church eating his yummy graham cracker and very content!
both kiddos are such qt's!!
congrats on the new calling and your right, it is how we grow!! i got called to be a rs teacher years ago and i couldn't do it! i was a wimp!
good luck, u will do great!
Congrats....Glad it's you and not me!
Hey that's exciting! We've got the same calling now :-) You'll be amazed at how much you learn. Kids look cute too!
Good luck on your calling! I hate teaching...although I think I might be able to handle my little primary kids. I am more nervouse about speaking in church! Yikes! I have been stressing out ever since they asked us to speak a few weeks ago! I just want to get it over with. Can't beleive how big little Nick is getting!
you can do it.
I love Bailey's brown outfit....so cute! And you are going to great. We get to be intimidated together.ha.ha. I will do whatever I can to help you=)
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