WE FINALLY made it to a BSU football game this year. We have been wanting to go, but it is hard to get a babysitter and Trent being off work at the same time....but we arranged it to have a date night. It was only about 30 degrees, so we bundled up and headed to Boise. After waiting about a half an hour to get in the gates (it was packed with people) we got in and found a spot in the student section on the VERY LAST ROW at the top. It was fun to see the Bulldogs again, and Trent was having a hard time deciding which team to route for...he did wear a Fresno State T-shirt, but it ended up under his coat since it was so cold! We had a great time (I wish it was a better game, BSU kicked trash) but fun all the same!

Look at all the Blue and Orange

Here we are starting to freeze a bit toward the end of the night
What a fun date night!
That's too funny that you guys were at that game, Joe was watching it and Said "I wonder who Trent is cheering for..." aww, We miss you guys!! So glad you got out on a date night, they're so great!!
Lucky you. Fresno State didn't even score a touchdown.
Lucky! Tyson would have loved to have been at that game. He really misses those free student tickets. BTW, after living here a while you wont be able to help converting to the throng of BSU fans. It's hard to resist. ;)
How fun! I love your cute beanie too! If we knew you were going....we would have invited ourselves to tag along=) It was a fun game.
haha! Matt and I watched that game at home of course, and we were rooting for both teams until Bosie KICKED our trash... they could't just win... they had to KILL us huh? Glad your hubs represented under his coat! Glad you two got out to a game! That is one of mine and Matt's favorite things to do is hit up a college game! :)
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