We have had quite a week. It was the kids last week of school before summer begins, so I had a list of cleaning and organizing I was trying to do during the babies nap times all week....well that didn't happen. On Monday Bailey stayed home sick with a headache and fever. (Nick had the same thing last week so I figured she got what he did) Then Tuesday was Nicks graduation. Wednesday Nick had a high fever so I kept him home and was worried about him missing the last few fun days at school. Thursday he woke up feeling fine, so off to school they go. I got a call a few hours later that Bailey got a bloody nose at field day and I needed to bring her a change of clothes. When I got there, they said that she had a fever of 100 so I took her home. Friday... the last day of school and so far the house is a mess and none of my list has been completed. The kids wanted me to drop them off at school since Bailey brought flowers to her teacher. So on the way to school I picked up donuts and as I dropped them off Bailey asked if I could bring her soup for lunch cause her throat hurt...aaah, sure I could do that, since it was her last day. Fast forward 2 hours and I get a call from the school that Nick was sick and had an accident and I needed to come pick him up. Luckily Bailey's soup was ready so I hopped in the car, dropped off the soup to Bailey (who I couldn't talk into coming home early with me) and picked up Nick who was wearing a loaner pair of clothes from the school (And we just returned Bailey's loaner clothes from the previous day). WHAT A WEEK!!!!!
While it will be nice to not worry about tests, homework and getting the kids ready for school it is going to be a long summer. Two babies that are not very flexible may make the summer a bit tricky for fun activities, but we will do the best we can. What an adventure we are living.
(oh the many faces of Nick...that kid:)) And you can tell from the pictures that Bailey still wasn't feeling to well even though she insisted that she was fine.
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