Miss Bailey is now 4 1/2 years old. She started preschool again this year, twice a week. She loves her new teacher Miss Emily and likes play time. She was also so proud of herself when she went all the way under water at her swim lessons! Way to GO!She is very articulate when she speaks and has a great memory. She will tell me all about primary that had happened a few weeks prior. I really have to watch what I say around her, because she seems to remember everything I say! And... She wants to be an artist when she grows up.
She also is very girly and loves to put on my make up and dress up in dresses, high heeled shoes and have her hair curled....high maintenance already! But she is such a sweetie pie and my special little gal... Man, I love her to bits!
Last night I was putting Nick to sleep upstairs and asked her to pick up the front room a little (her toys were all over) When Trent walked in a few minutes later, not only was the whole front room clean, but she had a bucket full of water and was mopping the kitchen. What an awesome 4 year old.

Nicholas is 2 1/2 and just potty trained... except for a few accidents! He loves his motorcycle bike that we got off Craigslist and can ride all day long if allowed. He loves to keep up with his sister and tag along with her and her friends. His vocabulary is growing daily and I laugh at some of the things that he comes up with. He loves his dog Bentley and is very much a mommas boy.
He seems to be quite the ham and gets out of punishment by cracking a grin at his momma! He is pretty loud and can make shoppping not very fun at all. He also seems to be sick a lot. If there is some sickness going around, you can be sure that Nick will get it...and he absolutely HATES brushing his teeth. The dentist told me a year ago that if we just do it every night he will get used to it...not so, full on war every night! But, we sure do love this goofy yet very snuggly little guy and he gives great hugs and kisses!

1 comment:
too cute and getting so BIG!!! great memory post!
did u hear we r moving to meridian? my kids and i r leaving here in 3 weeks!!
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