We have been so busy getting ready for the holidays. A few weeks ago the kids visited Santato get pictures for cards (they didn't turn out very well) Then yesterday we got to see him again, this time in a barn in Emmett. It was a Christmas Party for kids that was completely free. Bailey and Nick loved the small petting zoo, seeing Santa, getting a cute teddy bear and the pony rides. There was a lady taking family pictures and they turned out so cute! Too bad I already sent out the Christmas cards with the Santa pictures...oh well.

Then Bailey and I went to a parade last night (Nick was not feeling well so daddy readily volunteered to stay home)

After my fun date with Bailey, I noticed that Nick's temp. was super high and that he was having trouble breathing. So now what to do? It's late Saturday night... do I wait and see how he does, or take him in and have the Dr. politely say that he just has a cold or flu and there is nothing to do. Well, I couldn't watch him wheeze any longer so I took the poor boy in. On the way to the Urget care about 30 minutes away, HE THREW UP ALL OVER THE CAR! Now he is an awful mess, I didn't bring any extra clothes and it is freezing outside. SO I take him in a complete mess.
It turned out that he did have a viral infection, Bronchialitis, where his lungs were inflamed and he wasn't getting enough oxygen in. We left a little later with an inhaler, some steriods and a strict warning to watch him all night and take him to the ER if it persists. Luckily he went to sleep and even though he is still wheezing, I think he will be ok until his Dr. appointment in the morning.
Here's Nick in the dog's bed all tuckered out from not feeling well. He has NEVER just laid down and fallen asleep...this is a first for him.
Besides all this, Trent has all his finals thsi week starting tomorrow. He didn't have as much time as he would have liked to study, but I guess that is what comes with being a parent.
oh poor nick! so sorry he is so sick! not fun at all when they are so young too! prayers being sent ur way!
we got ur Christmas card and loved it, i thought it was really cute!
love that picture of the kids on the pony ride, how fun!
I photoshopped the pictures that we sent out and that is on this blog. The one we origanally got where so much worse and the color was awful.
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