few big changes are taking place for our family.
1st- Our stake is being split and our ward boundaries changed. Last week it was announced that my small subdivision street along with 4 others behind our house are being switched to another ward that meets in another building. It will be nice to be released and not have to be in charge of the monthly "Enrichment" meetings, but will be hard leaving all my friends and familiar people behind. There are only a few of us leaving, but at least I wont be starting all over.
2nd- this is the biggie...my parents turned in their mission papers a few weeks ago, and got their call today. They will serve for 18 months in the Baltic States Mission, that encompasses Lativia, Estonia and Lithuania. They will be over CES (Church Educational System)like the seminary program and working with the youth and YSAs. If you are from the Fresno West Stake, you probably know that President Boswell is the Mission President already over there. He made a "request" for them to come. They will report to the MTC Oct 31.....And yes...we WILL housesit for them while they are gone, which works out perfect as Trent will be done with school when they get back....yeay
my best friends served her mission in Estonia.
She love it.
But it gets really cold there.
That place looks really pretty where your parents will be going! Very cool. I am happy for them. That is so nice that they will know some people over there too! That would be a fun place to visit!
Congratulations, Bryan and Karen!! Looks like a beautiful, colorful quaint place. Looks like a place I would love to visit.
You'll be so great in your calling. We wish you the very best!
Thanks for all you do for Trent and family and for being such wonderful hosts and letting us mooch a great deal off you. But we really enjoy your home and the chance to be with you and your family. Love- Gary & Terry C.
That is so exciting for your parents! :) Tell them congrats from me. BTW, my parents are also serving a mission. They will be going to Kiev, Ukraine. They report to the MTC November 14th. Exciting news everywhere!
That is so exciting for your parents! :) Tell them congrats from me. BTW, my parents are also serving a mission. They will be going to Kiev, Ukraine. They report to the MTC November 14th. Exciting news everywhere!
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