Trent loves camping and has been wanting to go for the last 7 years that we have been married. For some reason, I finally gave in (probably because we are going to a Campbell family camping reunion in August and I needed to practice). Anyways, we had a great time and the kids loved it....until bedtime. Bailey finally went to sleep around 11 and Nick was even harder. He only wanted to be in his own bed. I finally got him to sleep, only for him to wake up SCREAMING about an hour later. There was nothing I could do to calm him down...bottle, rocking him, standing up...nothing. And he was so LOUD that I felt as if we were waking up everyone! So, at 1:00am we left our tent and belongings behind and drove a few hours and got home around 3 am. Trent went back this morning to get all our stuff. Lesson learned- DO NOT CAMP WITH A BABY! I think that I will be finding a hotel in the area of the family reunion.
We started out our fun day with a picnic lunch at Lucky Peak where Bailey put her feet in the sand.

Me and the kiddos

Daddy and kids in with their pants rolled up.

Nick in his carseat on the way to the camp spot.

Trent setting up the tent

We got the kids some toys and treats from the dollar store to keep them busy

Nick sneaking a sip of a soda

Too FUnny...That is why we don't go camping.
Oh man! What a bummer!
Looks like lots of fun, or at least before the night time came. Camping is funny that is either lots of fun or just plain miserable! Can't believe how big the kiddos are getting!
funny, yet stressful story! hope u will try camping again sometime!
great memories for sure!
have fun at the reunion! wish we could be there!
maybe you could try camping in your back yard sometime to get him used to it then you can go inside if it is too much. I don't know. But i can tell you I won't be camping any time soon with the twins. props to you guys.
We love the great doors.
We sure miss it.
Living here we havent done it.
Hopefully we get to come to the reunion this yr.
Cant wait to meet your little ones.
YOu should be practicing the campout in your back yard several times.
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