Since being here for 4 months, we are starting to see the differences between Idaho and California. Here is a list of 10 differences that we have noticed so far!
1. The car insurance in Idaho is soooo cheap. About half the cost. In CA, we were paying about $125 a month for 2 cars, full coverage. Here we are paying around $50 and get better coverage!
2. Most of the produce here are shipped from Ca, so they are not as fresh and cost more. I miss my yummy fruits and veggies of the San Juaquin Valley and the fabulous Farmers Markets!
3. Everyone has a dog in their car...you stop at a red light and see everyone with a dog in their car...and not little chihuahua's, but big hunting dogs. You go to Home Depot (which has a sign that says no dogs allowed) and you see a ton of dogs...so funny.
4. There are hardly any Taco Bells here. We have seen a few and stopped a couple times, and they aren't very good. I used to LOVE Taco Bell, but not so much anymore. And we still haven't found a good Mexican restaurant yet...maybe someday!
5.Rent is super cheap in Idaho. A good 2 bedroom apt with washer/dryer goes from $650-$700. In Fresno, our little place was $850 and was not very nice. You can even find apartments for $500, maybe a little older, but still decent. Crazy huh?
6. Houses are also super cheap. On our way to town, there are new homes being built that say from 69,000. Can you believe it? I'm sure they are not top quality, but really...a brand new house for that cheap?
7. Another thing is that in Fresno you might find a house in the lower 100's, but it will be in the ghetto where you feel unsafe. Here, it may be low income people, but they are more hick, not gangsters. But, I never feel unsafe. You don't see gangbangers hanging around, there is NO GRAFFITI, and the news almost never mentions shootings, or driveby's or gang sweeps.
8. WALMART IS CLEAN!! Can you imagine? And...there is never more than 2 people in line. In Fresno I would wait 45 minutes in a line of 8-10 people. It is sooo much better. But on the downside, most walmarts are super walmarts and don't have a craft/fabric section...which means a trip to another store.
9. A ton of people hunt and fish. In hunting season, we will wake up to gun shots of hunters in the field next to us hunting birds. People are very outdoorsy and there are a lot of recreational things to do here!
10. The weather. It is always changing...not like in a week, but in a day. You wake up to sunshine and an hour later is rain, hail or snow, then sunshine again. It is kinda fun to have all the different aspects of weather in 1 day, but hard to plan a trip to the park. I guess I just have to be more relaxed and just go with it. I am a planner and like to plan my days, but I'm quickly learning that I need to be more flexible!
We love Idaho! It is a little slower pace from what we are used to, but we like it. We have a little more time to relax, and enjoy time as a family and our little kiddies before they are all grown up!
And anyone is welcome to visit...we have 2 extra guest rooms that LOVE visitors.
Such a fun post! I might have to do that for new York! And that photo is gorgeous! And that rent is cheap!!! So nice! I miss a good Mexican restaurant too!
The Taco Bell here sucks too. We're coming up as soon as we can. I'm hoping within the month. We'll keep you posted.
Fresno misses you!! You are SO right about these, but I HATE SNOW... so I would live here over Idaho ANYDAY!!
We are currently looking for that perfect home (not in the ghetto, under 200K, 3-4 bedroom, rv parking, no pool, and it is ROUGH!) Now we have a place to stay when we go to visit! :)
I know you don't know me, but I found you through my sister's blog. Idaho is a great place to live! We moved here 3 1/2 years ago and love it. I tried to get Matt and Melissa to move out here, but no luck. I live in Meridian...perhaps we could look each other up sometime or get Melissa out here and party!
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