It's funny how I can get sooooo frustrated with Bailey in a Day, then later what a precious angel she can be. On Sunday she seemed to go from bad to worse throughout the day and I almost had a breakdown. She was so overstimulated, wouldn't sleep and was cranky all day. My patience wears so thin, then other days, she is such an angel and I forget about the frustrations. Tonight was a good night where Bailey played with mommy while American Idol was on. Then she fell asleep and I just couldn't get enough of her. I love having a good day!
Here she is on Sunday when she was having a "bad moment"

And her she is sleeping after a fun night with mommy
I think the good and bad days continue forever! So you just have to enjoy the good ones! I wanted to comment on your sleep thing, I think letting them cry can work just like everyone else said. I think it is fine for babies older then a few months old. hard when they can stand up though!! Bedtime routines are great too. But anything you try will take a couple of weeks to work! My cousin and I have both had success with praying A LOT about whatever you try, but I"m sure you already do that. My cousin even had her husband give their little boy a blessing, cool. Anyway, good luck! I'm going to be in CA Conference weekend, are you going to be around? We could get together!
She just looks like an angel to me. I know how looks can be deceiving though. She is Trenton's daughter. Trenton did have that mischievous sparkle in his eyes when he was an angely little boy. Give Baily a big kiss for me. I miss you guys.
aww, its so hard when they are overstimulated! Thats when Zach is the worst as well :( But then they are complete angels when they are asleep arent they!! i lvoe watching Zach sleep :)
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