Friday, November 7, 2008
Prosposition 8- just the beginning
I want to inform everyone of of what is going on in California and how important Proposition 8 is to Trent and myself. Proposition 8 passed on Tuesday banning same sex marriage. The church had told us to help with this effort any way we could. We met Saturday mornings for the passed few months to go door to door informing people of this proposition. We held signs on street corners, donated money and made tons of phone calls to help support this. Well it passed. While many may think this is the end, it is not. It is now in the courts trying to get appealed. The sad thing is that many saints do not know WHY this is so important and actually go against it. The first reaosn it is so important is that the Prophet came out and said to help with defeating this. This reason alone should have saints know where to stand. Where is the testimony of the Prophet? Many saints in Utah and Steve Young have also come out against not only the prophet but against fellow church members. There are many articles about saints upset that the church got involved and why can't we just stay out. GAY MARRIAGE WILL AFFECT THE CHURCH AND ITS MEMBERS! Everything that we have donated is being wiped out by members voting against us. There have also been commercials on TV against the church that were run. One shows missionaries going into a lesbian couples house and tearing up their marriage liscence. They speak falsely about the church. Then, just yesterday people were picketing in front of our temples here. There are signs people stuck in the LA temple fence saying how awful, hateful people we are. This is just the beginning on this issue and I hope that each of you can really understand why the church takes such a strong stand on this issue. If it does pass, we will be sued if we don't marry same sex couples...then what about in the temple? If they can't get a recommend because they are gay, they will then sue us that we are discriminating. How can people make you change your values and beliefs? Please help support the California saints as I feel this will be a battle against us.
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Trent and Mel, I am very proud of the stand you guys took. And I know it is just the beginning of the battle. The day is coming when we will all have to either stand on the Lord's side, or not. There is no middle ground.
I do know why we are against same sex marriage. It is kind of surprising how many LDS people don't understand why. First of all there is the Proclamation on the Family. It is pretty self explanatory right there. Our prophets have told us why. And then if it is made law, we as LDS people can be sued. It will also be taught in the schools to our children, and since it is law, we can't opt our children out.
Of course the LDS Church will be targeted in all this. It is too bad. Obviously it passed in California because over half of the people voted it in. I have a hard time beleiving that over half of the people there are LDS. But it is easy to blame us. I know the Catholic church was quite active in supporting Proposition 8 also. Are they being called hateful, and being harassed at their places of worship?
It's too bad people think if you are against same sex marriage than you must be a hateful bigot. I do know that you can be against same sex marriage and not be against gay people. I also believe that same sex couples should have laws in place to give them the same rights as the rest of us. And I have heard that they are already in place. It is not an issue of civil rights being violated, because the laws are already there to protect people.
I agree with you Melissa and Katrina! Can't believe people are actually out protesting in front of our temples. It makes me very sad.
Way to go, Trent & Melissa for being brave, obedient and courageous in taking a stand. It is hard and I admire your courage. I feel bad that people are thinking this is a normal way of life. Homosexuality is, plain and simple, against the laws of nature and the laws of God. I know these people, for the most part, are good people (although there are some that take things too far-like in San Francisco) But we do need to stand strong for what we know to be right and true. May Heavenly Father give us all the strength and conviction we will need down the road. Love you guys and are very proud of the wonderful people you are. You both amaze me! Love Mom T PS. Give that little dolly babe a big kiss and hug from us! Can hardly wait to see you all.
Just the other day a few people in our ward got their houses egged. They still had their "yes on prop 8" signs up so they were targeted.
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