My work had a big parade and moment of silence for the 911 victims. So I thought this was important to remind everyone about. For some reason, I didn't hear much news coverage or people talking about it leading up to today as much this year. Is it just this area, or has there been less coverage and media attention this year- Trent
Even England didn't forget about 9-11. There was media coverage on the news about the anniversary. The morning show I listen to on the radio over here had an American lady on talking about her experience of escaping the towers. They also played movies and documentaries on TV the few days leading up to the 9-11 Anniversary. Miles and I watched a lot of them. I was very sad, but it's good to remember. My thoughts and prayers have been with the families who lost loved ones.
In SLC there were tv shows commemerating the even. Hours of shows. Good memories and sad moments. Huge plots of waving flags around town - one was on the Les Olsen Office Products property. There were segments of the reading of the names of the victims of that tragic day.
melissa! I haven't been on here in forever and I have lots to comment on! First of all Bailey is SO adorable!! Second I love having little girls too, accessorizing is great and eric's mom buys them the cutest dresses and skirts, oh man. Just wait till Bailey's 2 and asks to get her nails painted and sits still and giggles while you do, so fun! Third, boating is the best, and last your proposition 8 post was eye-opening, even though I don't live in CA things spread. Well, have a good day!
Mel, i had to delete that comment you wrote because none of our friends know about that.....And when I talked to you tonight on the phone, we were at our friends house!
Hey- I tagged you so check my blog for the info!
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