Today was the first day back to work, with my new class at the Madera Community College. I have a small class of 5 girls so far. The class is MWF from 9-11:30. The first day seemed to go really well. I actually enjoy teaching! Bailey also has problems when her mommy is working and not with her. She did ok for Grandma and Grandpa today, but still had at least an hour long crying fit. Hopefully she will get used to me leaving for a few hours. All in all I think my class and Bailey did pretty well. Next week Trent switches work schedule and starts a new semester at school so we will be busy busy busy!
Sounds like a good opportunity. What subject are you teaching?
I am teaching a health class. It is really fun, I just hate leaving Bailey for a few hours, but it is good for her to be with others!
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