The babies are now 8 weeks old, but their due date was just a few days ago on Feb 15th. Even though Jackson and Madison are the size of normal newborns now, they are a little more alert, strong and awake than a newborn, so we knew it would be hard to get good pictures of the two of them together.
So my mom and I gathered as many props and outfits together, and with Matt taking the pictures and Brandy helping to pose them, we had our newborn photo shoot. Both babies were crying and did not want to sleep. So we took off their clothes and diapers to try and get a few good poses.
One of the cutest ideas we had was to put both babies in a basket lined with white fur. We placed them in it and they were really cranky. After a few minutes, they relaxed, slumped down a bit, and were very content just looking around. After we took quite a few pictures, we picked them up and both babies had pooped all over themselves and the basket....it was quite the mess to clean up. Lesson learned, keep the diapers on!!!!

Here are a few of my favorite photos
Lil Miss Madison