They do a God and Country Fireworks show a week before the fourth. I love it because it gets us into the Patriotic spirit a little early! Here Trent and the kids are enjoying the fireworks
My friend Charissa and her daughters Lexi and Sydnee (one of Baileys best friends)!
Trent scored 4 free tickets from work to the Boise Hawks game, so we thought it would be a fun family activity. Nick got pretty bored so we left about halfway through the game, but it was fun and at least we didn't have to pay for only half a game!
And enjoying the warm summer evenings!
Bailey (in pink) with her friends at the pool. Can you believe it is only $2 to get in. Not too bad!
And here is my dear sweet AVI (Avalon) who I've had since BYU times. She has been a great companion. She is 16 years old and has over 270,000 miles...yes that's right, 270,000 and running strong. But between that and our little honda Civic Hybrid, our family is just tired of squeezing in (especially on trips). So we traded in Avi and got a .....
Toyota Sequoia. Now she's not a spring chicken either, but is not nearly as old or as tired as Avi! We can now bring a stroller on our vacations and Bailey can even invite a friend to join us on little excursions here and there. When you have 2 giants carseats in a little car, there is not much room in the back for anything (or anyone) else. Bailey is just like her mommy though and gets very attached to things, so she did cry on the way home because she missed her blue car!
It has been a pretty crazy week and maybe this week we can relax just a bit!