We have been so busy all week getting ready for the holidays. Trent had the week off of school, and instead of relaxing, he was on the roof putting up Christmas lights, getting a Christmas tree, going under the house to get boxes of Christmas decorations, helped with cooking and cleaning, and on top of it all, he had homework to do. But we managed to do almost everything we had on our "to do list" for the week.
Do you see him up there...pretty steep!

The kids loved getting out all the fun Christmas decorations!

This Thanksgiving was different not having my parents around or going to Utah with Trents family. We had dinner with my brother Matt and his family though so we weren't all alone. Putting my sister in law, Brandy, and my cooking skills together, we made a pretty yummy turkey dinner with all the fixings and of course pumpkin pie.
I only took one picture and that was of the table before we ate. We had paper plates to eliminate some of the clean up...not a fancy table setup, but a very toddler friendly one!

Then I took a small nap so I could stay up all night shopping. My friend Ashleigh and I headed out at 9:30 pm and were part of the black Friday madness...and it was COMPLETE MADNESS. I got a few bargains, but I mostly went to have fun. We started at Walmart, headed to Target (the line was doubled around the store with an hour until open time) so why wait when we'd be so far back anyways? So we headed to ShopKo, then back to Target then Toys R US (And back to Target to get the items we hid when we saw that the line to pay was twice around the store and 2-3 hour wait.) We ended the night with Bath and Body works then Old Navy and got home at 5am.
And of course when I get home, Trent and both kids were awake in my bed. Nick was up most the night wanting me and Bailey just happened to wake up before I got home so there we all were, awake at 5. I think by 6:00 all four of us were asleep in the same bed...good thing we have a king!
Here we are before we took off, ready to shop, shop, shop!

Then today, Bailey had a singing performance at the Boise Festival of Trees. This was her first performance and she was fun to watch. She didn't sing at all during the first song, just bounced along... but did ok singing "Santa Claus is coming to town" Luckily her good friend Abi was also in the group so she followed what Abi was doing. (I will post a video of it soon)
Abi and Bailey getting ready to sing

She is on the very far right

All in all, a wonderful week and a great start to the Holiday Season!