We are starting the holidays a bit early this year. Last weekend we were bored so we headed to the local pumkpin patch/carnival with the kids. We all had a great time riding the hayrides, pony rides, picking pumkpins from the patch, going through the cornmazes and playing in the box full of corn kernals.

We all got to pick our own pumpkin...but the rule was that you could only get one that you could carry yourself...Nick found the perfect size!

After picking pumpkins from the patch, the kids were pretty worn out.

Tonight in Meridian, the police were doing a trunk or treat for the kids. They passing out candy from the trunk of their police cars. Bailey and Nick dressed up and went trick of treating! How fun, being that we still have two weeks before the BIG NIGHT of trick or treating...this was just a trial run !

My pouty little girl, luckily she snapped out of it soon

One of the policemen was giving out a free donut coupon from Krispy Creme...so we had to stop by on the way home...this may have been Nicks favorite part of the night