Our 4th was a little different this year-
We started out on Saturday the 3rd with a kids parade in the subdivision. So, we dressed up B and headed down the block with the other neighborhood kids!
The beginning of the tiny parade

Bailey out waving her flag (she only lasted about a block of walking)

The fancy float

My mom and I watching from the sidewalk

Bailey tired and sitting on daddy's shoulders

Almost to the end!(can you see that there is nobody left behind them)

After the little parade, we went to the Middleton parade- unlike any I've ever been to. It is a small quiet town. When we got there someone said that we were sitting in the
WET ZONENo joke! I guess at the end of the parade route, it is a wet zone where people can throw water balloons and squirt water at the floats and people on the floats have water guns (or hoses) and squirt everyone as they go by. It was so funny! To top it all off, the fire department parks a truck with a water spout over the road, and completely drenches the parade participants.
Look closely and you will see a person in that water (they are the firemen from another town nearby). It was so crazy...and so much fun! You would never see this in California due to the huge drought and lack of water...

THe crazy water spout that sprayed everyone- it also has controls so it was aimed at people

Bailey enjoying a good ol Coca Cola (a treat for her)

Nick sleeping through ALL of it

Small town atmosphere

One last fun thing about this year~ They sell illegal fireworks here!~ That may not excite some of you, but they sell EVERYTHING here and do not get mad if you light them off....roman candles, firecrackers and artillery shells. When the sun went down, the fireworks were crazy- like every block has their own show with the huge fireworks in the sky...It was pretty cool!
(They do make you sign an affadavit that you will take the illegal ones out of the state to light them, but they don't enforce it in the city because there is no fireworks ordinance- SCORE!!!!)