We had a great time visiting family and friends, but were so busy the whole time that we did not have much time to relax. We made it to Utah last Thursday and did not go to Idaho like we wanted, due to Bailey crying in the car for over 5 hours! We decided that we would travel as little as possible once we got there. We had a great time with his family at their BBQ and seeing all our old friends. It was fun to go to the BYU campus and look at all the changes they have made(I haven't been there since I grdauted in 2002!) The hardest part about the trip (Besides Bailey being terrible in the car) was not sleeping on our own bed. I did not sleep well at all and neither did Trent or Bailey, so we were all pretty tired by the time we left. Here are a few pics of the Trip.
Here we are at the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point

Bailey with Grandpa and Grandma Campbell

My brother Casey, Rachel and new baby Isaiah (Zaya)

Grandpa campbell helping Bailey on the Pony ride at Thanksgiving Point

Here are 2 of my BYU roomates and great Friends, Christina Magleby and Samanatha Snyder