Here is a picture of Myself, Marcee and Gina in Mexico our senior year during spring break-
Here we are 10 years later- we look pretty bad after going for a long walk on a hot evening
Here is Marcee and her mom Anne, and me and my mom when we were in primary. For some reason I am sitting in front of her mom and she is in front of my mom! I love the matching shirts her mom made us- we wore them everywhere!
Here we are in college- pre marriage
And after marraige and kids!
If anyone is interested in the dressing recipe that they put on the salad, here it is( and it does taste exactly like the Cafe Rio salad dressing)
1 c. Mayo
1/2 c. buttermilk
1 pkg Hidden Valley Ranch dressing
1 c. cilantro
2 cloves of garlic
Juice of 1 lime
3 tomatillos husked and washed
Mix ingredients in a food processor until well blended. Make a day or two in advance so flavors are well blended- this is the most important component of the salad.